Thursday, April 23, 2009

Vaca Day 4

I mentioned yesterday that the chance of boredum today would be almost impossible. I was right!

So far today I have mowed and weed-eated two yards, mine and my neighbors. I am slightly sunburnt, and VERY tired! I planted another pot of red petunias and left them on the neighbors porch. Hopefully she will enjoy her yard and pretty petunias! She is in her first trimester (yes, I am jealous!) and shouldn't be out working in the heat, and her fiance never seems to be around much. It's kind of understood in our neighborhood that if someones yard gets tall, you mow it while you mow your own. I love that! There is no better feeling than coming home to a freshly mowed yard... and you didn't have to be the one to do it!

I planted a BUNCH of flowers last week, and they are already growing and look great in front of my house. I have one pot of Begonias, four pots of Petunias, and four pots of Geraniums. I am such an old lady!!! I also bought a really big Shepherds hook to hang a basket from, just still waiting to find the right planter. I may go look tonight at Walmart.

Speaking of Walmart.... I have to go and grab a few last minute things before I fly home tomorrow morning. I won't be grabbing much, as I am rebelling against paying to have a bag, so, I am only gonna take a carry-on. It should work out fine since I will only be gone til Sunday afternoon, any too much longer would require a bigger bag! I have my little TSA Approved containers ready to be filled with my toiletries, and I should be good to go! We'll see how this works!

Welp, I am typing from my neighbors where I am babysitting this afternoon, BUT, I just heard a whimper from the nursery, SO, to avoid waking the 3yo by baby sisters cry.... I GOTS TO GO!


Angie said...

I am so jealous about your flowers! It's still much too cold here, but I am chomping at the bit.

Unknown said...

Where's the blogs??????