Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Day Three

Today my waking time was a much more desirable hour, 8am. Not exactly sure why I woke so early, but I would venture to guess it's because I am so well rested.... having excess of 2 - 3 naps on all previous days will do that!

I must admit, today I had a tinge of boredom. Kind of the whole, house is clean, laundries done, too wet to mow, trying to save money (shouldn't shop!), and yep, what now.... type of feeling. I chose to fill my boredom with baking some cookies, unfortunately that only took up like an hour total. That's when it dawned on me.... THE KIDS ARE HOME TODAY!!!!!! So, I played! All in all it was a good day! Made dinner, ate, watched AI, and now I am blogging, for the second time in one day, hence the previously mentioned boredom! I'm flying to Indiana for the weekend, so tomorrow I will have packing to get done in addition to the other things I have to do. My mental checklist for tomorrow is long, so I'm guessing the chance of boredom setting in pretty slim.

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