Friday, January 23, 2009

How I'm Feeling

Today was one of those days when you feel somehow liberated, in control, and all around good! Ya know what I mean? It all started a bit rocky, but ended really well! I had been putting off paying bills, knowing that without a transfer from savings I would not be able to pay my January bills. I HATE to use my savings! See, I spent MANY years without any sort of emergency funds other than my Momma and Dad, who so kindly obliged to be my "go to" emergency fund. I haven't called then in a very long while, gladly. This past 5-6 weeks at work has successfully diminished my checking account, hense my delaying the inevitable by putting my bills off til the last minute. (Literally and figuratively, some were past due!) Today I made myself a promise, or "deal" of sorts. If I was going to be forced to transfer savings to pay monthly expences, then it must be time to cut monthly expenses. I cannot personally control the economy of America, BUT I CAN control MY 'economy!" That's just what I did!

I no longer have texting capabilities on my BlackBerry, a $30.00 savings. Afterall, it is a phone.... meant to be talked on.

I negotiated a better deal for my "group savings" on my car and home-owners policies. Basically I bullied the poor guy on the phone with a threat of switching companies and cancelling! I now pay $17.00 less a month on my insurance policies.

So far I have saved $47.00 per month! Woot, woot! I am now researching changing cable and internet providers, but that is proving to be challenging. I SERIOUSLY considered just cancelling my cable with the thought that most all shows can be seen online.... All that went out the window when I realized that Jon and Kate Plus 8 only has some episode online. If that weren't the case I would probably have already cancelled my cable. I only watch like two channels, seriously, $50.00 a month for two channels???!!!! Man, I really love my TLC and HGTV a lot though! Biggest hurdle with internet service- Many of the other providers here require you to have a landline, blah....

I am feeling good about these little changes! I won't say it wasn't a bit bittersweet when a friend of mine called tonight only to say "Why haven't you responded to my text?" Welp dear, that's because ole Lynnie is no longer a texter! Old habits die hard!

As for my love of TLC and Jon and Kate...
This song is on the commercilas for several TLC shows, including J&K. I love the song, really catchy, and the lyrics are great! Take a listen for yourself, really listen, I promise ya it's pretty inspiring if ya really think about it. Especially with as crappy as things "seem" to be out there these days.

1 comment:

Angie said...
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