The Arch is considered "The Gateway to The West," and by many who live in the general area it's a pretty quick and fun getaway destination. As previously mentioned in yesterdays blog, my family made their fair share of St Louis trips, all of which included, at the very least, a trip past the Arch, but typically we would go up and look out from the top.
As children our parent generally "go along" with things. As an only child, well, your parents "go along" with EVERYTHING!
I am the prior mentioned only child. I am my Dads "pumpkin head" and my Moms 'baby girl." Yes, I still go by these names and I am 30. I am happy to still be my Mom and Dads baby, and I am not the least bit embarrassed to say so!! Their are some things I must admit to being slightly embarrassed by though.
Mom and Dad STILL call Pepsi...
Why? Their baby called it that. My Dad will still tell my Mom they are out of Diet Sipsi when she makes a grocery list. They have both been known to accidentally order Sipsi from a restaurant.
One of Dads favorite things Mom makes is...
Yep, I couldn't say Spaghetti, so for that reason, my Mom and Dad still have Sketti for dinner about two or three times a month.
As a little girl I really loved going to St Louis. It was a fun adventure for me. We would go to Six Flags, The Torch, and walk along the river.
Yep, I called, okay, still call, The Arch, The Torch. It started when I was about 2, and the end date is yet to be determined.
My parents still also call it The Torch. Last week they fondly told me....
"Be sure to take Kaleigh to see The Torch, she'll really enjoy that." I could feel my cheeks turn red as Kaleigh looked at me and questioningly said, "The Torch?"
I didn't respond.
So, here I am, on a VERY windy day, standing below The Torch!
That's awesome!
Can I call you Pumpkin Head too?
I messed up last comment, sorry, As I was saying, I think it's very sweet that your parents still see you as their little girl. Don't tell Angie, but she's still my little girl too.
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