I mentioned yesterday that the chance of boredum today would be almost impossible. I was right!
So far today I have mowed and weed-eated two yards, mine and my neighbors. I am slightly sunburnt, and VERY tired! I planted another pot of red petunias and left them on the neighbors porch. Hopefully she will enjoy her yard and pretty petunias! She is in her first trimester (yes, I am jealous!) and shouldn't be out working in the heat, and her fiance never seems to be around much. It's kind of understood in our neighborhood that if someones yard gets tall, you mow it while you mow your own. I love that! There is no better feeling than coming home to a freshly mowed yard... and you didn't have to be the one to do it!
I planted a BUNCH of flowers last week, and they are already growing and look great in front of my house. I have one pot of Begonias, four pots of Petunias, and four pots of Geraniums. I am such an old lady!!! I also bought a really big Shepherds hook to hang a basket from, just still waiting to find the right planter. I may go look tonight at Walmart.
Speaking of Walmart.... I have to go and grab a few last minute things before I fly home tomorrow morning. I won't be grabbing much, as I am rebelling against paying to have a bag, so, I am only gonna take a carry-on. It should work out fine since I will only be gone til Sunday afternoon, any too much longer would require a bigger bag! I have my little TSA Approved containers ready to be filled with my toiletries, and I should be good to go! We'll see how this works!
Welp, I am typing from my neighbors where I am babysitting this afternoon, BUT, I just heard a whimper from the nursery, SO, to avoid waking the 3yo by baby sisters cry.... I GOTS TO GO!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Day Three
Today my waking time was a much more desirable hour, 8am. Not exactly sure why I woke so early, but I would venture to guess it's because I am so well rested.... having excess of 2 - 3 naps on all previous days will do that!
I must admit, today I had a tinge of boredom. Kind of the whole, house is clean, laundries done, too wet to mow, trying to save money (shouldn't shop!), and yep, what now.... type of feeling. I chose to fill my boredom with baking some cookies, unfortunately that only took up like an hour total. That's when it dawned on me.... THE KIDS ARE HOME TODAY!!!!!! So, I played! All in all it was a good day! Made dinner, ate, watched AI, and now I am blogging, for the second time in one day, hence the previously mentioned boredom! I'm flying to Indiana for the weekend, so tomorrow I will have packing to get done in addition to the other things I have to do. My mental checklist for tomorrow is long, so I'm guessing the chance of boredom setting in pretty slim.
I must admit, today I had a tinge of boredom. Kind of the whole, house is clean, laundries done, too wet to mow, trying to save money (shouldn't shop!), and yep, what now.... type of feeling. I chose to fill my boredom with baking some cookies, unfortunately that only took up like an hour total. That's when it dawned on me.... THE KIDS ARE HOME TODAY!!!!!! So, I played! All in all it was a good day! Made dinner, ate, watched AI, and now I am blogging, for the second time in one day, hence the previously mentioned boredom! I'm flying to Indiana for the weekend, so tomorrow I will have packing to get done in addition to the other things I have to do. My mental checklist for tomorrow is long, so I'm guessing the chance of boredom setting in pretty slim.
The Arch
The Arch is considered "The Gateway to The West," and by many who live in the general area it's a pretty quick and fun getaway destination. As previously mentioned in yesterdays blog, my family made their fair share of St Louis trips, all of which included, at the very least, a trip past the Arch, but typically we would go up and look out from the top.
As children our parent generally "go along" with things. As an only child, well, your parents "go along" with EVERYTHING!
I am the prior mentioned only child. I am my Dads "pumpkin head" and my Moms 'baby girl." Yes, I still go by these names and I am 30. I am happy to still be my Mom and Dads baby, and I am not the least bit embarrassed to say so!! Their are some things I must admit to being slightly embarrassed by though.
Mom and Dad STILL call Pepsi...
Why? Their baby called it that. My Dad will still tell my Mom they are out of Diet Sipsi when she makes a grocery list. They have both been known to accidentally order Sipsi from a restaurant.
One of Dads favorite things Mom makes is...
Yep, I couldn't say Spaghetti, so for that reason, my Mom and Dad still have Sketti for dinner about two or three times a month.
As a little girl I really loved going to St Louis. It was a fun adventure for me. We would go to Six Flags, The Torch, and walk along the river.
Yep, I called, okay, still call, The Arch, The Torch. It started when I was about 2, and the end date is yet to be determined.
My parents still also call it The Torch. Last week they fondly told me....
"Be sure to take Kaleigh to see The Torch, she'll really enjoy that." I could feel my cheeks turn red as Kaleigh looked at me and questioningly said, "The Torch?"
I didn't respond.
So, here I am, on a VERY windy day, standing below The Torch!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Keeping My Promise
So, day two of vacation.
Honestly not much to report, BUT, I am trying to get back in the habit, so....
Slept til a very unrespectable hour today, 9:30. It felt hella good though, and I mean come on, I'm on vacation!
Met with my dear, sweet Tina for lunch at Ruby Tuesday. Conversation was outstanding, company was off the charts, the food, well, we discussed this in the last blog! All I thought the whole way there is how nothing sounded good, and how I could have just ate at home. I think next time Tina is at my store I will just have her over here for lunch. Tina had an awesome new hair color, she is so dang cute anyway, but today, yep, she was extra cute. (Should have gotten a pic!)
After lunch I returned home and successfully did nothing. Seriously, nothing. I didn't even eat dinner cause I was still full from lunch. WAIT, that's a lie, I did have a Fudgesicle, but that doesn't really count as dinner does it?
Watched Biggest Loser this evening. (While eating aforementioned Fudgesicle, uhhmmm, yeah, that's a whole other issue... for a whole other blog!) I never really get to watch this show, as I am typically at work on Tuesday nights. Some girl on there has lost like 120 lbs in 16 weeks! Geesh!!! I'm just guessing she didn't do that eating Fudgesicles? BUT, even the box says.......................

See, they are natural, AND a good source of calcium! I win!
As I just uploaded pics I realized I hadn't posted any pics of my new hair color, so...

I have high and low lights, it's pretty cute! Not really sure why I have my eyebrows so arched in this pic... maybe I was surprised..... at myself??? Taking a picture.... I knew I was taking...???? Yep, I must have been surprised, that's got to be it!
ALSO, while uploading pics I realized that two weeks ago I went to St Louis to have lunch with my parents, pick up Cali, and take my friend Kaleigh to the Arch. It was so very windy, rainy, and cold that day, but we still had a great time. Kaleigh is from Texas, and our little road trip took her the farthest East she had ever been. It was really cool to be with someone seeing it for the first time. The amazement of her seeing it made it all the more fun for me! See, St Louis was a quick wknd get-away for my family when I was small, so the Arch, well, it kinda lost it's excitement factor by the time I was about 10. All the trees were blooming, and of course pics of trees near a river are always good!

So, I have an Arch story, BUT, you'll have to wait for that one til tomorrow. Gotta not put too much content at once, my life is just that dang uneventful!!
Honestly not much to report, BUT, I am trying to get back in the habit, so....
Slept til a very unrespectable hour today, 9:30. It felt hella good though, and I mean come on, I'm on vacation!
Met with my dear, sweet Tina for lunch at Ruby Tuesday. Conversation was outstanding, company was off the charts, the food, well, we discussed this in the last blog! All I thought the whole way there is how nothing sounded good, and how I could have just ate at home. I think next time Tina is at my store I will just have her over here for lunch. Tina had an awesome new hair color, she is so dang cute anyway, but today, yep, she was extra cute. (Should have gotten a pic!)
After lunch I returned home and successfully did nothing. Seriously, nothing. I didn't even eat dinner cause I was still full from lunch. WAIT, that's a lie, I did have a Fudgesicle, but that doesn't really count as dinner does it?
Watched Biggest Loser this evening. (While eating aforementioned Fudgesicle, uhhmmm, yeah, that's a whole other issue... for a whole other blog!) I never really get to watch this show, as I am typically at work on Tuesday nights. Some girl on there has lost like 120 lbs in 16 weeks! Geesh!!! I'm just guessing she didn't do that eating Fudgesicles? BUT, even the box says.......................
See, they are natural, AND a good source of calcium! I win!
As I just uploaded pics I realized I hadn't posted any pics of my new hair color, so...
I have high and low lights, it's pretty cute! Not really sure why I have my eyebrows so arched in this pic... maybe I was surprised..... at myself??? Taking a picture.... I knew I was taking...???? Yep, I must have been surprised, that's got to be it!
ALSO, while uploading pics I realized that two weeks ago I went to St Louis to have lunch with my parents, pick up Cali, and take my friend Kaleigh to the Arch. It was so very windy, rainy, and cold that day, but we still had a great time. Kaleigh is from Texas, and our little road trip took her the farthest East she had ever been. It was really cool to be with someone seeing it for the first time. The amazement of her seeing it made it all the more fun for me! See, St Louis was a quick wknd get-away for my family when I was small, so the Arch, well, it kinda lost it's excitement factor by the time I was about 10. All the trees were blooming, and of course pics of trees near a river are always good!
So, I have an Arch story, BUT, you'll have to wait for that one til tomorrow. Gotta not put too much content at once, my life is just that dang uneventful!!
Monday, April 20, 2009
I am so bad
I seriously always MEAN to post blogs, but just never seem to get it done. Well, I am back, yet again....
Life for me rarely changes, but I will try to make this interesting.....
Day one of my vacation. I try once a year to take a "go nowhere" style vaca, I find the most peace and solitude in having nothing that "has" to be done. Today I still woke at a decent hour, 8, but that was pretty well the only thing I did until well after 5 this evening! Sooo nice, I watched my soaps, had lunch, napped, and then napped again! I went and grocery shopped this evening, made dinner, and talked to friends on the phone.
As for my whole "grocery / dinner" deal. It is no really big surprise to anyone that I am not really one to cook, well, guess what... I have been cooking. I am almost ashamed to admit why I am cooking, but I will! I eat out so much NOTHING is sounding good anymore. It dawned on me that eating out should ALWAYS sound good, because it is designed to be a treat. So, now I have successfully ate at home since Saturday night. I LOVE IT!!!! I get to engage my brain about what sounds good, and then I cook it! Tonight was meatloaf, green beans, and a baked potato. So super good, and now I have lunch for tomorrow. Saturday was spaghetti and garlic crescent rolls, which doubled as Sundays dinner. Enough about me cooking, BUT I am excited to not be constantly ordering, waiting, tipping, blah, blah, blah.......
Tonight I downloaded Lady Antebellums album! I so love them! I especially love their song "Run To You". I had never seen the video until this evening, and wow, it's awesome! Take a look for yourself. Enjoy!
I love the whole "pay it forward" theme! So inspiring! Speaking of paying it forward... About two weeks ago my friend, Kaleigh, and I went to lunch at the Olive Garden. (Yes, this is when I was still a "go out when I'm hungry" girl) We were seated near one of my customers who I have sold furniture to for several years. We spoke, and proceeded with our lunches. When it came time for the bill our waitress told me mine had been taken care of already by the gentleman I had spoke with while being seated. Apparently he told her I had done a lot for him, and he had always wondered how he would ever re-pay me.... Okay, so that very instance makes all the verbal lashings I get at work a bit more worth it! Sigh......
Life for me rarely changes, but I will try to make this interesting.....
Day one of my vacation. I try once a year to take a "go nowhere" style vaca, I find the most peace and solitude in having nothing that "has" to be done. Today I still woke at a decent hour, 8, but that was pretty well the only thing I did until well after 5 this evening! Sooo nice, I watched my soaps, had lunch, napped, and then napped again! I went and grocery shopped this evening, made dinner, and talked to friends on the phone.
As for my whole "grocery / dinner" deal. It is no really big surprise to anyone that I am not really one to cook, well, guess what... I have been cooking. I am almost ashamed to admit why I am cooking, but I will! I eat out so much NOTHING is sounding good anymore. It dawned on me that eating out should ALWAYS sound good, because it is designed to be a treat. So, now I have successfully ate at home since Saturday night. I LOVE IT!!!! I get to engage my brain about what sounds good, and then I cook it! Tonight was meatloaf, green beans, and a baked potato. So super good, and now I have lunch for tomorrow. Saturday was spaghetti and garlic crescent rolls, which doubled as Sundays dinner. Enough about me cooking, BUT I am excited to not be constantly ordering, waiting, tipping, blah, blah, blah.......
Tonight I downloaded Lady Antebellums album! I so love them! I especially love their song "Run To You". I had never seen the video until this evening, and wow, it's awesome! Take a look for yourself. Enjoy!
I love the whole "pay it forward" theme! So inspiring! Speaking of paying it forward... About two weeks ago my friend, Kaleigh, and I went to lunch at the Olive Garden. (Yes, this is when I was still a "go out when I'm hungry" girl) We were seated near one of my customers who I have sold furniture to for several years. We spoke, and proceeded with our lunches. When it came time for the bill our waitress told me mine had been taken care of already by the gentleman I had spoke with while being seated. Apparently he told her I had done a lot for him, and he had always wondered how he would ever re-pay me.... Okay, so that very instance makes all the verbal lashings I get at work a bit more worth it! Sigh......
Saturday, March 21, 2009
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