Okay, so we all know my head doesn't quite work right the majority of the time, this blog will back up that idea we all know to be true!
I love Taylor Swift and Angie (my G), Angie loves "period" pieces. I love "Love Story" by Taylor Swift. The video to "Love Story" is a "period" video. When I hear this song I think of G because I think about the video.......
Well, let's all now confirm, yep, my mind is an absurd, twisted, confused little thing!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Hello, it's me again, the girl OBSESSED with music! Now that I have found a much easier way to add videos to my blog (thanks G) I plan on adding songs I love on a regular basis. Also, small updates of late...... but for now, here's today song!
My favorite prayer has always been the Serenity Prayer. I have numerous items with it on them, but today I found the item that takes the cake! I saw a cuff bracelet in the Pennys ad today, and I can happily report that as I type tonight it IS on my right wrist! Yay, for bracelets, yay for 60% off bracelets, and yay for me!

Welp, that's about it for now, it's getting late! I hope everyone has an outstanding week! MUAH!
My favorite prayer has always been the Serenity Prayer. I have numerous items with it on them, but today I found the item that takes the cake! I saw a cuff bracelet in the Pennys ad today, and I can happily report that as I type tonight it IS on my right wrist! Yay, for bracelets, yay for 60% off bracelets, and yay for me!
Welp, that's about it for now, it's getting late! I hope everyone has an outstanding week! MUAH!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
A little (BIG) something to think about......
Okay, so with very much trial, and even more error.... I finally am able to post this video! I have been listening, I mean really listening, to the words to this song for a while now. I have challenged myself to try my best at all times to really follow the idea behind this whole song, and I am happy to report that I've done a pretty decent job! I hope you enjoy this as much as I have!
Friday, December 12, 2008
So, yesterday I not only got my car serviced at 8am, but was back home by 9 with paint samples from the hardware store. I picked out the colors I wanted to accent with this color which I had already decided on. It's called Hodley Red and is from the Historical Colors line by Benjamin Moore. This is the color that our Oak Express began being painted this week and I fell in love with it.
I decided on the accent color after about three hours of deliberation, and the winner was........
Sweet Butter by Benjamin Moore. I painted my kitchen walls that join the hallway, and the entire hallway this color. It looks really good! You could probably tell a little better if I actually knew how to use my camera, but for now this is what ya get....
I also got a package from UPS while I was painting... my new planner cover was in it, YAY! See, I am not an avid, diehard planner user, BUT if I switch it up every so often then I am likely to use it. I have had my planner since 2001, and to date I have roughly 10 different covers that I have bought...... all just to keep my interest sparked! I love, love, love that this planner has a really cute interior fabric, and added bonus, proceeds from the purchase go towards breast cancer research. It's from Franklin Covey's "Gals" line, and all of the pieces are not only trendy, but they give something back, I think that's important!
All in all it was a good, get a lot done, kind of day. As for today, yeah, not so much!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Things have changed, her love remains the same
Well, a LOT has happened since my last update... more than I am even going to dive into tonight. I promise updates will arrive, just a little (LOT) too tired to think, let alone divulge info. Even though a lot has wavered in the past little while, Caliope's LOVE (described by some as obsession) has not changed. This cat is absolutely crazy about me! I am one lucky human, if I do say so myself! ; )
This pic shows exactly what she does any and EVERY time anything of mine is left down, dropped, forgotten, or anywhere within her reach. She MUST lay on it, breathe me in, and sleep. Tonight I returned home for only long enough to change clothes and leave. Let it be stated that the act of "quick comings and goings" is nothing short of unacceptable to her. She cries by the door, I cry sometimes too.... only if I forgot to pick up my Zoloft that morning. This evening was no different. When I returned home I came in, picked her up, consoled, cooed, talked to her like a human, rubbed, brushed, and nuzzled her. Sat her down. Took off my coat. Layed coat on bed. As for the rest, see for yourself............
Breathe it in folks, savor it, yep, that's the smell of Lynn's coat! Soon to hit the market in Eau De Tiolette spray!
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