So I am officially the proud homeowner who has Laminate wood flooring in the entryway. It absolutely amazes me the things that can really fascinate you that never before would have even remotely interested you. That is so me with this whole own your own home thing! I am ALWAYS looking for the "next project" before the current one is hardly done. We'll see what tomorrow brings, maybe a spare room re-do?! Who knows, some people say the world is their oyster, but for me... I don't need the whole world, I am happy for my oyster to be a 1,000 sq. ft. house that is beginning to look and feel like I live in it! BTW, obviously, even after the "no bra incident" of the afternoon, Kris came back! Yay for good neighbors!!!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Finished flooring
So I am officially the proud homeowner who has Laminate wood flooring in the entryway. It absolutely amazes me the things that can really fascinate you that never before would have even remotely interested you. That is so me with this whole own your own home thing! I am ALWAYS looking for the "next project" before the current one is hardly done. We'll see what tomorrow brings, maybe a spare room re-do?! Who knows, some people say the world is their oyster, but for me... I don't need the whole world, I am happy for my oyster to be a 1,000 sq. ft. house that is beginning to look and feel like I live in it! BTW, obviously, even after the "no bra incident" of the afternoon, Kris came back! Yay for good neighbors!!!
Twelve cents never tasted so good
Okay, so day two.
Awoke at a much more respectable hour today, 8:30am. I am feeling pretty good about being vertical prior to lunch time today! Haven't really gotten a whole lot done, but hey, vacation... hello! Currently I am still in my pj's, and it is 4:30 in the afternoon! Have I no shame? Yes, actually I do! I realized that when a knock came from my front door at 3pm. Lots of thoughts came rushing thru my head, amny of which would require way too much profanity to list here. I crack the door to find Kris, my neighbor, father of aforementioned children and owner of the neighborhood golf cart. He has been "in the process" of putting new laminate wood flooring in my entry, and today was continuing that process by removing all my trim. So, we have officially crossed a new threshold in our relationship, the one where he now knows that while I am on vacation I can be found mid-afternoon in pj's with my hair pulled in a ponytail, and worse yet.... braless!!! At this point their is a good chance he may never come back to finish my flooring!!!
$.12, how can it be sooo good?
I made Chicken Ramen Noodles for lunch, and I only have one other thing to say about that. How in the heck can a $.12 meal taste so damn good?
Monday, September 29, 2008
Monday September 29, 2008
Okay, so nmothing says vacation like not having to wake up early in the morning to be any specific place at any specific time.... Yep, I am so on vacation. This morning mt alarm went off at 7:30 (forgot to turn it off b4 bed) and i immediately thought, "Oh no, not happening!" as I turned over, hit snooze, and curled back up in the covers. Then, what felt like a couple minutes had turned into a few hours. My eyes popped open, and I immediately felt confused, I looked at my watch to see the hands telling me I had slept til freaking 10:55. WHAT, seriously, who sleeps that late who isn't one of a few things.... 1. Lazy 2. Hungover 3. Teenaged I sat up in bed, and like every morning, immediately reached for my BlackBerry. Yep, red light flashing! I read my first e-mail which is timed to me at 9:40am I read a lunch and errand running invite, and instantly think, "Hmmm, if this is from over two hours ago, yep, good chance this has all already happened." Keep in mind this invite is from a mother of two, who in the last almost three years hasn't slept a full night, and in the past 4 weeks hasn't slept for more than 45 minute intervals. She is the proud mama of a boy who requires no sleep, and a newborn who has a strong need for her mommas breast about every two hours. So, you can imagine, it's a bit hard to tell this sleep deprived soul that you just slept til 11 in the morning. I choose to go ahead and admit to her that I have just woke up, and would love to go with her if the offer still is open. She lets me know we will be leaving in about 45 minutes, and kindly also types in her responce, "Loser. You suck."
I rush to get ready, cut my ankle bone shaving, bleed profusely, get shampoo in my right eye, (still bleeding), realize I don't have hair on my ankle bone to have needed shaving..... still bleeding. Get dressed, all the while trying to not bleed everywhere, putting little bits of toilet paper on my ankle like a man would who nicks his nostril shaving. Get across the street to the invitees house, where upon entering Chase immediately zeros in on my bloody, tp covered ankle, and aaks me, like only a 2yo can, "Jew git bit Lyionn?" (Loosely translated to "Did you get bit Lynn?") To which I respond, "No buddy, Lynn cut herself shaving." 2yo rebutal "Jew shouldnd do zat Lyionn." Who knew, all the answers I had been looking for, they are all right there with my 2yo neighbor boy... You shouldn't do that Lynn! Well duh!
Lunch time at McAlisters....
As always, so super good! The McAlisters here only opened a week ago, and I am happy to report I ALREADY have an entire "Tea Club" card punched, so on my next visit the tea's on them! Look down while eating and realize I still am sporting the bloody tp on my ankle, nice!!
I don't really NEED anything, but as we all know, it is Walmart, so you will leave buying something. My purchases, a bag of shredded mild cheddar and a bag of Skittles. Hello, can I be anymore random???
So, this is a rundown of day one of vaca. Look for more fun stuff tomorrow.... hopefully with a LOT less blood!
I rush to get ready, cut my ankle bone shaving, bleed profusely, get shampoo in my right eye, (still bleeding), realize I don't have hair on my ankle bone to have needed shaving..... still bleeding. Get dressed, all the while trying to not bleed everywhere, putting little bits of toilet paper on my ankle like a man would who nicks his nostril shaving. Get across the street to the invitees house, where upon entering Chase immediately zeros in on my bloody, tp covered ankle, and aaks me, like only a 2yo can, "Jew git bit Lyionn?" (Loosely translated to "Did you get bit Lynn?") To which I respond, "No buddy, Lynn cut herself shaving." 2yo rebutal "Jew shouldnd do zat Lyionn." Who knew, all the answers I had been looking for, they are all right there with my 2yo neighbor boy... You shouldn't do that Lynn! Well duh!
Lunch time at McAlisters....
As always, so super good! The McAlisters here only opened a week ago, and I am happy to report I ALREADY have an entire "Tea Club" card punched, so on my next visit the tea's on them! Look down while eating and realize I still am sporting the bloody tp on my ankle, nice!!
I don't really NEED anything, but as we all know, it is Walmart, so you will leave buying something. My purchases, a bag of shredded mild cheddar and a bag of Skittles. Hello, can I be anymore random???
So, this is a rundown of day one of vaca. Look for more fun stuff tomorrow.... hopefully with a LOT less blood!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
The past few days
So, I have slacked and not been on here in a bit, but I'm back! Finished out my work week last night, so today was my first official day of vacation. So far I have done nothing successfully, and loved each and every minute of doing nothing! That is not entirely true... Last night Shawn and Angela dropped the girls off to stay the night with good ole Lynnie. We had a blast right from the start. Pam, Chase, Kadence, Taylor, Tristin, and I all piled in the golfcart and headed to the park. Now, mind you, we put the bigger kids, T and T, in the back and belted them in with the golf bag straps while they stood, Pam drove, Chase sat in the middle, and I held Kady while she suckled oh so vigorously on her newly warmed up bottle of her wonderful mothers breast milk! We seriously looked like the freakin Clampets, kids strapped in (literally!), newborn infants nursing, and two fairly "normal" looking white gals all out on a Saturday night riding around on a golf cart! Also, you must remember that when we get to the park we are like the total talk of the neighborhood kids, cause, oh yeah, we arrive in a golf cart.... All the other "well to do" people in their mini-vans and SUV's, oh no, we are so too cool for that, us, we rock the cart!!! While playing Taylor calmly looks at me and says "Did Mom tell you we haven't eaten yet? Cause we haven't." Okay, so now let me get this right, you were dropped off to me at 7:30 and still hadn't had dinner, and now you tell me this at 8:30, great! So, we all pile back in our cart and head back home and about halfway back I hear Tristin say to Taylor, "Gosh Taylor, I'm hungry, why hasn't Lynn fed us yet?" I can tell ya why kid... CAUSE LYNN DIDN'T KNOW SHE NEEDED TO!! Instead I calmly turn around, smile, and sweetly respond, "What would you girls like for supper?" Fortunately for me the responce was waffles, and oh yes, their are always Eggos in my freezer!!! "Toasted" dinner, put on pj's, and by midnite all was quiet at Lynnies house.
8:40am, I awake to the slight tappity tap of Taylors long, skinny, pointy, I should play the piano, finger on my forehead. I am so elated that it isn't like 5:45, because, ya see, she HAS done that before while staying at my house. She immediately asks, "What are we gonna do today that's fun Lynn?" Well Taylor, first off I am gonna pee, then brush my teeth, check my e-mail, and pick up the living room that you and your sister trashed in a matter of minutes last night. That sound fun? Of course I don't say any of that... I only think it. "Well, Taylor, anything you and Tristin want, how's that sound?" "Yay, I love you Lynn!" It is gonna be a good day!!!
We had strudels for breakfast, their request.
Papa Murphys for lunch, their request.
Played beauty shop with my head as if it were the Barbie doll manequin head designed to be pulled, twisted, and tugged on. (Obviously their request, cause no sane person would ask to have this done to their head!)
Went to Walgreens and bought Rogaine for women... okay, that's a lie, but I may now need to though, and that counts! At this point it is pushing ...
3pm, and I, I mean they, are needing to nap. So, we did, for three glorious hours! Have I mentioned yet how much I love vacation!
6pm, all awake again, so what do we do... We load up in the cart like the unashamed white trash we all are and go to the park. Best part of this park trip, even though their is enough room IN the cart this time, Taylor wants to ride standing in the caddy area again, and who am I to say no.... so I let her!
All in all it has been a great start to vacation!
8:40am, I awake to the slight tappity tap of Taylors long, skinny, pointy, I should play the piano, finger on my forehead. I am so elated that it isn't like 5:45, because, ya see, she HAS done that before while staying at my house. She immediately asks, "What are we gonna do today that's fun Lynn?" Well Taylor, first off I am gonna pee, then brush my teeth, check my e-mail, and pick up the living room that you and your sister trashed in a matter of minutes last night. That sound fun? Of course I don't say any of that... I only think it. "Well, Taylor, anything you and Tristin want, how's that sound?" "Yay, I love you Lynn!" It is gonna be a good day!!!
We had strudels for breakfast, their request.
Papa Murphys for lunch, their request.
Played beauty shop with my head as if it were the Barbie doll manequin head designed to be pulled, twisted, and tugged on. (Obviously their request, cause no sane person would ask to have this done to their head!)
Went to Walgreens and bought Rogaine for women... okay, that's a lie, but I may now need to though, and that counts! At this point it is pushing ...
3pm, and I, I mean they, are needing to nap. So, we did, for three glorious hours! Have I mentioned yet how much I love vacation!
6pm, all awake again, so what do we do... We load up in the cart like the unashamed white trash we all are and go to the park. Best part of this park trip, even though their is enough room IN the cart this time, Taylor wants to ride standing in the caddy area again, and who am I to say no.... so I let her!
All in all it has been a great start to vacation!
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